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web application development
Front end

Web Application Development

A web application is a program that runs on a web server rather than on the user’s computer. This allows access to the application through a web browser without the need to install additional software on the computer. All that is required is an internet connection and often login credentials. This way, users can use the application from anywhere, as long as they have access to the internet. Deploying such an application involves launching it on the server and ensuring its full functionality.
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programista react native

What is React Native?

With React Native, developers can create mobile apps that run across platforms using a single code base, increasing efficiency and reducing development time. It is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows mobile apps to be created for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. It is used to build native user interfaces.
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react native vs react JS
Front end

React JS vs. React Native

Understanding the differences between React JS and React Native is critical to making a practical technology choice. React JS is a library for building dynamic web applications, while React Native allows you to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android. Choosing the right tool depends on the target platform and the project’s specific requirements.
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audyt SEO strony www

How much does a website SEO audit cost?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is one of the most important marketing activities that companies undertake. An SEO audit of a website aims to optimize it so that it becomes more and more popular. Examples of SEO audit prices: Small service: from 1900$, medium service: from 3000$, online store: from 5000$
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web application development

Web Application Development

A web application is a program that runs on a web server rather than on the user’s computer. This allows access to the application through a web browser without the need to install additional software on the computer. All that is required is an internet connection and often login credentials. This way, users can use the application from anywhere, as long as they have access to the internet. Deploying such an application involves launching it on the server and ensuring its full functionality.
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programista react native

What is React Native?

With React Native, developers can create mobile apps that run across platforms using a single code base, increasing efficiency and reducing development time. It is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows mobile apps to be created for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. It is used to build native user interfaces.
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react native vs react JS

React JS vs. React Native

Understanding the differences between React JS and React Native is critical to making a practical technology choice. React JS is a library for building dynamic web applications, while React Native allows you to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android. Choosing the right tool depends on the target platform and the project’s specific requirements.
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audyt SEO strony www

How much does a website SEO audit cost?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimisation, is one of the most important marketing activities that companies undertake. An SEO audit of a website aims to optimize it so that it becomes more and more popular. Examples of SEO audit prices: Small service: from 1900$, medium service: from 3000$, online store: from 5000$
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strona na wordpress

How much does it cost to build a website on WordPress?

Sample prices are: WordPress blog: from 500$ to 1000 $. Company website: from 2,500$ to 6,500$. Premium website: from 6,000$ to 10,000$ and even more. The cost of creating a site on WordPress depends on many factors, including: the size and complexity of the project, the choice of theme and plugins, hosting and domain, content on the site. Keep in mind that simple sites are less expensive, while elaborate company websites require more money. In the following article we will look at how much a website on WordPress costs.
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czysty kod javascript

Best practices in writing clean Javascript code

Why is clean Javascript code so important? First, it makes your code easier for others to understand. This is a huge advantage, especially if you work in a team. Second, clean javascrip t code is easier to maintain and debug. When everything is well organized, it’s easier to find and fix bugs. In the following article, we will present best practices in writing clean and understandable javascript code.
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coding with foundation framework

Foundation – a free responsive front-end framework

Foundation is a free, responsive CSS front-end framework developed by ZURB. It allows you to design modern websites and applications quickly and efficiently. It offers a set of ready-made components, such as grids, buttons and forms, which can be easily customized. Foundation is valued for its flexibility and support for different devices and browsers.
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aplikacja mobilna

What is a mobile app?

A mobile application is software designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It can be created specifically for the device’s operating system, such as iOS or Android, or run via a web browser. Mobile apps are available for download from platforms such as the App Store and Google Play, offering a wide range of features: from games to productivity tools.
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Webpack is a tool for building web applications. It is a bundler tool that allows you to organize and manage a variety of resources, such as CSS styles, images, JavaScript scripts and others, and converts them into a uniform format that can be easily delivered to the browser. Webpack also enables JavaScript modules, making it easier to create extensive and more complex projects. With Webpack, you can optimize the performance of your web application by minimizing and combining files, as well as supporting different file types (e.g. TypeScript, Sass).
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man coding with alpine.js


Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes adding interactive elements to web pages accessible. Vue.js inspires it and provides similar functionality with much less overhead. With Alpine.js, you can easily manage the state of your application using simple HTML declarations. This library is ideal for developers who need dynamic user interfaces without using large JavaScript frameworks such as React or Angular.
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