Web Application Development

A web application is a program that runs on a web server rather than on the user's computer. This allows access to the application through a web browser without the need to install additional software on the computer. All that is required is an internet connection and often login credentials....

React JS vs. React Native

Understanding the differences between React JS and React Native is critical to making a practical technology choice. React JS is a library for building dynamic web applications, while React Native allows you to build native mobile applications for iOS and Android. Choosing the right tool depends on the target platform...

Best practices in writing clean Javascript code

Why is clean Javascript code so important? First, it makes your code easier for others to understand. This is a huge advantage, especially if you work in a team. Second, clean javascrip t code is easier to maintain and debug. When everything is well organized, it's easier to find and...

Foundation – a free responsive front-end framework

Foundation is a free, responsive CSS front-end framework developed by ZURB. It allows you to design modern websites and applications quickly and efficiently. It offers a set of ready-made components, such as grids, buttons and forms, which can be easily customized. Foundation is valued for its flexibility and support for...


Webpack is a tool for building web applications. It is a bundler tool that allows you to organize and manage a variety of resources, such as CSS styles, images, JavaScript scripts and others, and converts them into a uniform format that can be easily delivered to the browser. Webpack also...


Alpine.js is a lightweight JavaScript library that makes adding interactive elements to web pages accessible. Vue.js inspires it and provides similar functionality with much less overhead. With Alpine.js, you can easily manage the state of your application using simple HTML declarations. This library is ideal for developers who need dynamic...

What is Mustache.js?

Mustache.js is a lightweight JavaScript template library that uses a "logic-less template syntax." This means that the templates do not contain programming logic, making them more transparent and easier to maintain. Mustache.js allows for the separation of HTML code from the data used to render the page, facilitating easier code...

Basic guide to Tailwind CSS

Tailwind CSS is a CSS framework designed for speed and efficiency in building user interfaces. It features a "utility-first" approach and includes a set of tools and helper classes that allow for the rapid design of nearly every aspect of design without writing additional CSS.

What are Web Components?

Web Components are a set of standards that allow the creation of user interface components without relying on external libraries. They consist of custom elements, shadow DOM, and HTML templates. These technologies will enable the creation of universal components that work natively in browsers, meaning they can be used independently...

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