What is React Native?

With React Native, developers can create mobile apps that run across platforms using a single code base, increasing efficiency and reducing development time. It is an open-source framework developed by Facebook that allows mobile apps to be created for iOS and Android using JavaScript and React. It is used to...

What is a mobile app?

A mobile application is software designed to run on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. It can be created specifically for the device's operating system, such as iOS or Android, or run via a web browser. Mobile apps are available for download from platforms such as the App Store...

Mobile app maintenance: The Complete Guide

We live in a time of digital revolution, with more than 4.88 billion people worldwide using smartphones. Mobile apps are essential for many people to work and live their daily lives efficiently. It is crucial not only to create practical and innovative apps but also to maintain them continuously. Those...

Mobile application development platforms

Mobile app platforms are advanced software supporting the development of applications for various operating systems, such as iOS, Android or Windows. They enable developers to work efficiently and effectively on designing, testing and deploying mobile applications. In the following article, we will take a closer look at popular mobile app...

What are native applications and why should you use them?

A native app is a type of mobile software written for a specific operating system. This gives it direct access to the device's features, which means faster performance and a better user experience. Each platform requires a separate app version written in the appropriate programming language. Android uses Java or...

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